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Since 1988, we’ve been dedicated to helping health care providers be more productive and more efficient in their critically needed service. Our belief is that making available the best possible products in convenient and organized packaging will result in streamlined, compliant procedures with the least amount of product waste.

Our goal is to customize products for you that will save time and money.

Customized procedure kits lighten the workload for first responders, but ultimately they produce a higher level of care to the patient.

A common saying in our meetings is to start with a procedure—any procedure—then work backwards to develop a kit with all the components required to complete that procedure. By reverse engineering every product we sell, we emphasize the importance of functionality and ease-of-use, because the only useful procedure kit is a usable procedure kit.

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Motion Medical Distributing was established in 1988 by a father and son, each well-versed in the medical industry, the father in hospital distribution and the son a manufacturer’s representative. Our first customers were hospitals in need of specialty products not inventoried by local distributors—but that limited scope didn’t last long. We continued for a time selling specialty lines while steadily evolving, eventually becoming an equipment service agent for several major manufacturers. Slowly but surely we branched out into service and repair of endoscopic instruments and monitors.

“But wait,” you might ask. “Aren’t you a kitting facility? What’s all this talk about instrument repair and hospitals?”

Like every good story, ours has had several twists and turns. We didn’t become a premier kit assembler overnight. It took time, and a lot of hard work. But it’s an understatement to say that the very foundation of our business shifted dramatically when we began to offer procedure kits. Kitting very quickly became our primary area of interest and expertise.

Fast forward to today, over 30 years later, and though we’re no longer in the instrument repair business, our once small kitting operation has blossomed into three divisions, each vastly capable of undertaking whatever project our customers require—whether that means crafting Disaster Strike Equipment Bags for California firefighters battling wildfires, Severe Bleeding Kits to Las Vegas in the event of an active shooter incident, or PPE Kits to first responders in the wake of an epidemic.

Our future is bright. But we didn’t get here alone. All along the way, for 35 years and counting, we’ve learned from the brave men and women on the front lines of the healthcare industry. We’re proud to say that Motion Medical Distributing is a product of our customers, our first responders, and our amazing crew.

Contact Us

Our Office

101 N. 700 W.
North Salt Lake, Utah 84054

PH: (800) 292-4056
FX: (801) 292-4566